Joni Peddie's Key Notes on HybriCON



As a Behavioural Strategist, I love all things ‘people’! Most especially how we, as humans, Think, Feel & Act.

Post Covid, we are all dealing with challenges, immense change and perhaps some 'yucky' adversity. I help people to find sustainable ways to BOUNCE FORWARD™️: This could be mentally, emotionally and / or physically. We should ‘ban’ the phrase bounce back. As humans, we absolutely never do this!

As humans, will always BOUNCE FORWARD™️ ...add some 'intentionality', and 'techniques' to this, and you'll feel and be more in the control seat of life!

Knowing your personality strengths, BEING yourself, AND learning how to be agile and yet 'self-regulate' are crucial. I teach you the many, simple 'HOWs' ... in practical ways that easily become your new way of being.

Behaviourist, Keynote Speaker, Author, Team Performance Facilitator & Resilience Assessor 

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Watch the "Enneagram: Play to Your Personality Strengths" WEBINAR FREE


Joni Peddie's Mini Workshops on HybriCON

Joni Peddie's Sleep to Lose Weight & Feel Energized

Sleep is not just closing your eyes, and hoping for the best. We all NEED more energy, and many of us could lose a few kgs or pounds.


Joni Peddie's Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Made Easy!

EQ has twice the power of IQ to predict Performance. But HOW? There are specific EQ skills, which is all learnable!


Joni Peddie's Five Ways to BOOST Your Resilience

Resilience helps us BOUNCE FORWARD™️ after any challenges in life. Come learn 5 practical ways HOW TO


Joni's Micro Masterclasses on HybriCON

Joni Peddie's Enneagram - How to be More Self-Aware

Which personality Type were you born, and how can you ‘play to your authentic strengths’? There are 9 Personality Types; learn how to use this knowledge DAILY!


Joni Peddie's Stress 'Busters' and Ways to Bypass Burnout

Burnout is at an all-time HIGH…worldwide. What habits need to be ‘kicked out the door? Use simple rituals to ensure that you bypass Burnout.